- No School
- JAT Pizza Lunch Reward for Specific Students
- JAT Dance Party Reward for Specific Students (2:00 - 2:45 PM)
- Recycling Wednesdays
- Donate plastic bottles and aluminum cans at morning drop off.
- Wear Spirit Wear
- 6th Grade Panoramic Photo (Wear Your 6th Grade Shirts)
- Ice Cream Sales After School
- Annie Jr. Photo Sales End Online
- Next Week Is 6th Grade Outdoor Science Camp!
Additional Details & Important Information
Annie Jr. Reminders
Annie Jr. photos are on sale now. Annie Jr. photos can be purchased via Theatre Shots' website through February 27. Professional photos were taken during both casts' dress rehearsals. If you missed out on getting your actor's headshot, you can order those from this link as well. All orders for reprints placed at the PAC during performances are in process and should be delivered this week.
Multicultural Night
In April 2022, we will host our first annual Multicultural Event at Fairmont Elementary School. Details are located here. It is not too late to sign up to assist by hosting a country/cultural. We will also be looking for many volunteers to assist with this event.
PTA 2022-23 Volunteers Needed
Have you ever had an idea of how to make a PTA event better or want to have a bigger role in what our Fairmont PTA does next year? We are actively searching for volunteers for small to large roles to help with PTA. Some roles are able to be done completely at home, while other require a presence at the school during specific events. More details can be found at this link.
Recycling Wednesdays
Please remember we can only accept empty aluminum beverage cans and empty plastic beverage bottles. If you are not able to separate out the aluminum and plastic beverage containers, please place your recycling in your home recycling bins. We can only recycle these specific items through our school recycling program. As a school, we have recycled more than 1,160 pounds of aluminum cans and plastic bottles.
Family Movie Night
Information coming the last week of February. We will have an outdoor screening of ENCANTO. Save the date - Friday, March 25. Bring your blanket and chairs and enjoy an evening of family entertainment. This is a family event. Detailed information will be posted by February 25.
Important Dates
- Feb. 28 - Mar. 4 - 6th Grade Outdoor Science Camp
- Mar. 4 - Minimum Day; 6th Graders Return From Camp
- Mar. 11 - Principal's Lunch
- Mar. 14-25 - Shawn Knutson Scholarship Fundraiser
- Mar. 16 - Room Parent Meeting
- Mar. 18 - 6th Grade Lunch Time Games & Spring Photos
- Mar. 25 - Family Fun Movie Night (Showing Encanto)
- Apr. 1 - Book Fair Set Up with Teacher Preview
- Apr. 4-8 - Book Fair
- Apr. 7 - Honorary Service Awards; PTA Election; Open House
- Apr. 8 - School Snake (Students Walk Through All the Classrooms in a Long Snake)
- Apr. 10-15: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL