More Details on In-Person or At-Home Learning

Dear Parents,
We have created a short slide presentation with more details regarding in-person hybrid learning and at-home remote learning. Please take a minute to review the information and confirm your choice. The District has requested that your survey be completed by tonight.
If you are unsure of which choice will work best for your child and your family, please know that the choice you submit now can be reversed through Nov. 4th. We want everyone to feel confident in their decision.

Note: Every Wednesday will be an Early Release day per this schedule:
  • Cohort A will be in session from 8:22 - 10:22 AM.
  • Cohort B will be in session from 11:22 AM - 1:22 PM.
See linked PDF below for more info.

Thank you for your continued flexibility and support. We appreciate you.
Mrs. Rex and Mrs. Mulcahy